Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sciatica Symptoms

What causes sciatica?
There are many people suffering from hip, lower back and leg pain and have no idea that it could be sciatica but what is sciatica and what causes sciatica? Well the best place to start is at the heart of the problem which is the sciatic nerve and will most definitely be the cause of sciatica symptoms.

The sciatic nerve is basically the largest set of nerves in your body which naturally means that the sciatic nerves are the size of your little finger. They are located along your spinal column ending behind your hip bone and in your leg.

This is where the pain comes from. Sciatica symptoms can range from a numb tingly feeling down the leg, shooting or stabbing pains in the lower back and hip as well as burning pains in these areas which can range from unbearable to just simply irritating depending n how bad the sciatic nerve is affected. The cause of this sciatic nerve pain is simply that the sciatic nerve becomes irritated and thus slightly inflamed causing the pain that is a sciatica symptom. This can be caused by a whole range of things from lifting heavy things to moving too fast.

The most common cause of Sciatica pain is a slipped or herniated disc which is what happens when the disc we move too fast or lift things that are too heavy. These discs are cushions between our bones in the back that act as shock absorbers made of a thick jelly substance. Other causes of sciatica are Spinal stenosis, Spondylolistesis, a stretched or stressed sciatic nerve, Piriformis syndrome, osteoporosis and even pregnancy to name a few. Some of the more serious causes of sciatica is blood clots, tumors or abscesses. There are forms of exercises that can be done to help with sciatica. 

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