Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint which is commonly abbreviated as (SI) refer to the joint that links the pelvis and the spine. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction therefore refer to improper functioning of this joint due to inflammation leading to imbalance between the pelvis and the base of the spine causing pain at the lower back and the legs.

This is because the imbalance affects the normal functioning of the nerves which are found within these joints thus causing pain radiating from the buttocks (lower back) to the legs.

There are various ways in which sacroiliac joint dysfunction may take place leading to imbalance of the pelvis and the spine leading to the unbearable pain at the buttocks running all the way to the legs.

These may include:

Motion must be supported by various components that are found in the joints such as the ligaments, discs among others. When the joints become loose and hyper-mobile, there are chances that they may not support normal motion or movement because if done there will be discomfort resulting from lower back pain or the buttocks. Hyper-mobility will most definitely cause wearing and tearing of these regions of the pelvis and the spine hence dysfunctional of the joints thus affecting the nerves. This will be due to irritations and pushing of the nerves that are found within these joints. Those involved in exercises, cardiovascular activities, aerobics may be susceptible to this kind of injury leading to pain and weaknesses at the back through to the legs. At the initial stages, the discomfort resulting from the injury may not cause a lot of pain which may be overlooked leading to worsening of the condition unlike if the condition was tackled earlier.

Traumas and injuries
This is another common cause of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Various traumas may take place on the joints between the spine and the pelvis. This will alter the normal functioning of these joints as this will cause a lot of irritations and pressure to the nerves. This will directly influence the functioning of these nerves and this will eventually be experienced as pain at the lower back. The pain is usually mild initially and as time goes by the pain will get worse leading to other complications such as arthritis. This may also cause the weakening of the lower back and the legs in general which may call for medical attention to avert the condition.

This is too little movement. Generally, in this the joints will lock themselves due to wearing and tearing. The wearing of the joints may be occasioned by degenerative diseases such as arthritis and also old age. For old people, there will be wearing and tearing of the joints which will cause tilting or bending thus affecting balance that exist between the pelvis and the spine. The nerves that exist within the spine and the pelvis will also be affected by the tilting. This will cause irritations to the nerves and cause sciatica and pain at the lower back. This pain may radiate throughout the lower parts of the body and more especially the legs. The earlier this is diagnosed the better as it may reach a point where it causes a lot of pain and discomfort which may be unbearable.

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